
FMCs's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 598 (From 210 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 9,855 Points

Call of Sword

Medals Earned: 2/16 (10/500 points)

Family man 5 Points

Find uncle

First Battle 5 Points

Meet the Thug

Abbey Road 10 Points

Find Abbey

Butcher 10 Points

Kill 20 Thugs

Gunslinger 10 Points

Kill 10 enemies by pistol

Master 10 Points

X20 combo!

Bullet time 25 Points

Meet the Gun Thug

Dodger 25 Points

Kill 15 Gun Thugs

Ragged dynasty 25 Points

Defeat the Gentleman

Toughie 25 Points

Kill 15 Hummers

Tremors 25 Points

Meet the Hummer

Truth 25 Points

Find the Keeper

Savior? 50 Points

Finish the game

Searcher 50 Points

Find all secrets

Idealist 100 Points

Complete with all A+

Technician 100 Points

Defeat the Robot

Cap'n Marcela

Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

Game Completed 25 Points

Complete the game

Cap'n Marcela's Winter Wonderland

Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

Game Completed 25 Points

Complete the game

Castle Crashing the Beard

Medals Earned: 3/6 (80/155 points)

Whiskered Away 5 Points

Level Up once.

The Fast and the Furriest 25 Points

Defeat The Beard in less than 4 minutes (8160 frames)

Beat to a Fulp 50 Points

Defeat The Beard

Fabulous! 25 Points

Reach the maxed out level.

Graven Image 25 Points

Win without hitting a gravestone.

Power Razor 25 Points

Win without losing a life.


Medals Earned: 3/30 (15/400 points)

Getting out of a pickle [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level three on normal difficulty.

Now, lets mix thing up a bit [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level two on normal difficulty.

Okay lets get started [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level one on normal difficulty.

Almost finished [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level nine on normal difficulty.

Am I making this too easy for you? [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level eight on normal difficulty.

Last level [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level ten on normal difficulty.

No more help [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level seven on normal difficulty.

So you're not a complete noob [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level four on normal difficulty.

Starting to get complicated [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level five on normal difficulty.

You're getting pretty good [NORMAL] 5 Points

Complete level six on normal difficulty.

Almost finished [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level nine on hard difficulty.

Am I making this too easy for you? [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level eight on hard difficulty.

Getting out of a pickle [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level three on hard difficulty.

Last level [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level ten on hard difficulty.

No more help [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level seven on hard difficulty.

Now, lets mix things up a bit [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level two on hard difficulty.

Okay lets get started [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level one on hard difficulty.

So you're not a complete noob [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level four on hard difficulty.

Starting to get complicated [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level five on hard difficulty.

You're getting pretty good [HARD] 10 Points

Complete level six on hard difficulty.

Almost finished [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level nine on impossible difficulty.

Am I making this too easy for you? [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level eight on impossible difficulty.

Getting out of a pickle [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level three on impossible difficulty.

Last level [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level ten on impossible difficulty.

No more help [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level seven on impossible difficulty.

Now, lets mix things up a bit [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level two on impossible difficulty.

Okay lets get started [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level one on impossible difficulty.

So you're not a complete noob [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level four on impossible difficulty.

Starting to get complicated [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level five on impossible difficulty.

You're getting pretty good [IMPOSSIBLE] 25 Points

Complete level six on impossible difficulty.

Chain Demon

Medals Earned: 3/10 (15/185 points)

Chain 5 Points

Item chain

Play 5 Points

haha i'm using the internet

Sorry you are dead 5 Points

Now you're dead play again

Bubble 5 Points

Item shield

Kill Your Boss 5 Points

Kill the first boss, and escapes from hell

5000 Points 10 Points

You obtained 5000 points

10000 Points 25 Points

You obtained 10000 points

20000 Points 25 Points

You obtained 20000 points

30000 Points 50 Points

You obtained 30000 points

50000 Points 50 Points

You obtained 50000 points

Chamber Door

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/140 points)

Power Up 5 Points

Once upon a midnight dreary...

Runaway Chemist 10 Points

Other friends have flown before...

The Study 25 Points

While I pondered weak and weary...

Stickybeak 50 Points

Be that word our sign of parting...

Wake Up 50 Points

And so faintly you came tapping...

Charms of Lavender Blue

Medals Earned: 5/9 (125/300 points)

Almost Kiss 25 Points

Well, at least he asked this time around.

Club Activities 25 Points


Snacks 25 Points


Technical Difficulties 25 Points

Here, have this Baby Nora instead.

True End 25 Points

A rare first love success story.

Best Not to Risk It Ending 25 Points

Better luck next time...

Brace Yourself 25 Points

Because pendants are for the next lesson.

Musical Ending 25 Points

Isn't it nice? No drama, just music.

Sundae Ending 100 Points

Salty ice cream.


Medals Earned: 1/32 (5/405 points)

gold level 1 5 Points


gold level 2 5 Points


gold level 3 5 Points


gold level 4 5 Points


gold level 5 5 Points


gold level 6 5 Points


gold level 7 5 Points


gold level 8 5 Points


gold level 9 5 Points


gold level 10 10 Points


gold level 11 10 Points


gold level 12 10 Points


gold level 13 10 Points


gold level 14 10 Points


gold level 15 10 Points


gold level 16 10 Points


gold level 17 10 Points


gold level 18 10 Points


gold level 19 10 Points


gold level 20 10 Points


gold level 21 10 Points


gold level 22 10 Points


gold level 23 10 Points


gold level 24 10 Points


gold level 25 10 Points


gold level 26 10 Points


gold level 27 10 Points


gold level 28 10 Points


gold level 29 10 Points


gold level 30 10 Points


Rich pig 50 Points

Beat the game

Pro speedrunner 100 Points

Get all Gold Times

Christmas Cookie Quest

Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

Game Completed 25 Points

Complete the game